Coping With Cancer Treatment

Patients may experience unpleasant side effects due to their treatment. Patients should discuss any side effects they experience with their doctors; occasionally an effect may be unexpected or dangerous and dosages may need to be adjusted. Doctors can help alleviate nausea with antinausea medications and may prescribe antidepressants to help the patient deal with the cancer on a psychological level. Joining support groups will also help patients deal with the psychological effects of treatment. Cancer survivors can help provide encouragement and offer advice for coping with cancer on a day-to-day basis.


MRI of brain. (A) Initial MRI, shows a tumor in the right and left frontal lobe as well as the right thalamus. (B) MRI after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The tumor has completely disappeared except for slight enhancement adjacent to the surgical margin. (C) Recurrence of the thalamic tumor despite maintenance chemotherapy on 9 month after. (D) Increase in size of the thalamic tumor two months after stereotactic radiotherapy. (E) After 6 cycles of TMZ therapy, the thalamic lesion enlarged, and the patient developed dysarthria and hemiparesis. (F) After 2 courses of treatment with interferon-beta and TMZ, the tumor shows a partial response.

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